A Tie With A Cat On It – B2W Z Spring 1922

Suggested Pledge: Reserve price Not met!

Item condition: Used

Auction expired without reaching reserve price



Lenin had cats. Indy, Sparty and Astrid have cats. But neither Lenin’s cats, nor our cats have been known to catch live tuna, or prowl on cattle. Perhaps this is what José Piscador was trying to tell us with this tie. Or maybe as Indy posits, it was a subtle way to make us think of religion by way of thinking of cats, who do eat fish (but smaller fish than tuna), and when thinking of religion we could then avoid being like Lenin. In sum, if you’re a cat person this tie can’t fail you – it will remind you of what cats crave, and to avoid being a dictator. Oh, and like many other famous cats, it’s been on YouTube.

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Auction expired without reaching reserve price

Highest bidder was: Matt Mangold

Bidder Name Bidding Time Bid Auto
Matt Mangold May 13, 2021 4:32 am 51,00
Eng Yian Ong May 11, 2021 9:49 pm 50,00
Auction started May 11, 2021 9:19 pm

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