Crisis and fragility of democracy in the world
- United Nations, High Commissioner for Human Rights
Democracy in Crisis
- Freedom House
- Friedrich Ebert Foundation

A Worldwide Challenge
Education and Enlightenment against Fanaticism and Ignorance
Education – Understanding – Decision
A Strategy against Fake News
Our new Project:
“Democracy & Revolutions”

Season One: Weimar’s Collapse
In 36 weekly episodes, we follow the events month by month, examining how, despite a solid democratic foundation and majority support for democratic principles, a significant portion of the population facilitated the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.We shed light on implicit and explicit parallels to threats that many democracies are currently facing.
The next seasons will follow the same broader topic but with different historical examples.
Do your part for DEMOCRACY!
Support this gripping educational project in a time of need, when the future of your own freedom hangs in the balance.