A Tie with Daffy Duck to Jump into the Future – B2W:Z Winter 1921


1 in stock



This tie has absolutely nothing to do with 1921 except that Indy wore it in 1921. What it does have is the ineffable, lovable, and absolute loathsome Daffy Duck on it. A cartoon character that Indy and Sparty prefer over Donald Duck, which is just human nature when it comes to ducks – or at least it should be. Face it: while a duck that is supposedly cogent, but runs around with a shirt but no trousers is just not likable – one that is barely cogent, but just goes commando all the way deserves our respect. So, if you are too, like all mankind should be, and Indy and Sparty are, a fan of Daffy Duck – get this tie! Oh yeah… it’s got chillies too, if you just happen to be fan of the capsicum experience, like (once again) Indy and Sparty both are.