Articles The End of Empire? Colonialism in Crisis – W2W Sorry, but you do not have permission to view this content. The Swordfish Strike! – The Bismarck Part 3 Sorry, but you do not have permission to view this content. Sorry, but you do not have permission to view this content. Justice for WW2?! – W2W News 1945 Sorry, but you do not have permission to view this content. Hitler Testifies, Brüning Battles On Sorry, but you do not have permission to view this content. How Popular Was Hitler? – WW2 Documentary Sorry, but you do not have permission to view this content. Week 302 – Operation Downfall: 2 Million Men to Invade Japan – WW2 – June 8, 1945 The plans to invade the Japanese Home Islands in the fall grow ever more concrete,… EPISODE DELAY: WW2 153 Dear TimeGhost Army, As you may have noticed, the WW2 153 episode hasn’t been posted… LADY DEATH – Sniper Extraordinaire On this day in 1916, Lyudmila Pavlichenko was born. She would grow up to become… On the Path of Vikings Pt. 3 PAYING MEMBERS ONLY – Join the TimeGhost Army and support the war effort or choose… On the Path of Vikings Pt. 2 PAYING MEMBERS ONLY – Join the TimeGhost Army and support the war effort or choose… On the Path of Vikings Pt. 1 PAYING MEMBERS ONLY – Join the TimeGhost Army and support the war effort or choose… Thank You TimeGhosts! Last year we asked you guys to help out our friend Jean-Paul and his amazing… The Dawn of the Atomic Age Draws Closer PAYING MEMBERS ONLY – Join the TimeGhost Army and support the war effort or choose… Life Advice from the Queen PAYING MEMBERS ONLY – Join the TimeGhost Army and support the war effort or choose… Operation Barbarossa in 1 Minute: The Eastern Front 1941-1942 One year ago today (in our timeline), the Axis Powers invaded the Soviet Union in… DO YOU WANT TO WORK WITH US? Then keep reading! Because in just a few months our group of talented interns will… SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS On this day in 1942 an attempt was made to assassinate SS officer Reinhard Heydrich,… THE (WO)MAN BEHIND DRACULA On May 26th, 1897, the gothic horror novel “Dracula” was released, conjured up by the… GET YOUR GEEK ON! The first international Geek Pride Day was celebrated in Spain and on the internet in… TIMEGHOST BEHIND THE SCENES: WHEN INDY WAS A TEENAGE SUPERHERO So… it was the summer of 1986. I had just finished my first year at… THE ANIMAL CASUALTIES OF WW2 It can easily be forgotten, but war takes a toll on the whole ecosystem. May… AND THE PEOPLE HAS SPOKEN!! After being up all last night counting every single vote cast on time across all… TIMEGHOST TOP 5: Extraordinary Nurses A few days ago was International Nurses Day, fittingly placed on the birthday of Florence… YOU WANT A CHANCE TO DECIDE OUR CONTENT? Yes, you read that right! Since you all are what makes our work possible, we… TIMEGHOST BEHIND THE SCENES: Want Action? Indy Opens A Can of Whoop-*ss… Last week’s WW2 episode focused on the Battle of the Coral Sea, the first ever… THE ISRAELI DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE Today marks 73 years since the soon to be first Prime Minister of Israel –… ELEANOR ROOSEVELT AND THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS From 1941 and throughout the rest of the war, the Allies gradually formulated the framework… TIMEGHOST TOP 5 + 1: Extraordinary Women Leaders In the row of TimeGhost Birthdays it is today – May 10 – Astrid’s. As… TIMEGHOST BEHIND THE SCENES: Indy is from Texas, right? May 9th is Europe Day in the European Union. It commemorates the 1950 Schuman Declaration,… IF THE NAZIS ATTACK: The Steely Swiss Strategy In today’s On The Homefront episode, Anna talks about how a staged German invasion of… TIMEGHOST TOP 5: Famous Curses On November 29, 1922 the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamen is opened, the incredible treasures found… TIMEGHOST BEHIND THE SCENES: Indy and the Millennium Falcon If you hold May the 4th as a special day, then this is the post… WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY: Edward R. Murrow Today, on May 3, we celebrate World Press Freedom Day by releasing a limited time… TIMEGHOST BEHIND THE SCENES: Welcome to Indy’s Place! You got to see a glimpse of the Teehaus where Astrid & Sparty lives when… OUTRAGEOUS DICTATORS’ HOMES: Mobutu Sese Seko Zaire’s president Mobutu Sese Seko, who ruled the country 1965-1997, was one authoritarian leader who… TIMEGHOST BEHIND THE SCENES: What is that blue thing on the B2W set? In the WW2 Special about Royalty during World War 2 that we published earlier today… OUTRAGEOUS DICTATORS’ HOMES: Saddam Hussein The dictator of Iraq 1979-2003, Saddam Hussein, didn’t have just one presidential palace. In fact,… Indy’s Tie Barn ICONIC STRIKES #6: The 1970 U.S. Postal Strike The more than 210,000 strong postal workers’ strike is the biggest unauthorized ‘wildcat strike’ ever… ICONIC STRIKES #5: Strike of the 100,000 The Strike of the 100,000 was an 8 day long strike in Nazi-occupied Belgium in… ICONIC STRIKES #4: The Languedoc Winegrowers Revolt On March 11, 1907, Marcelin Albert and Elie Bernard led 87 winegrowers from the village… ICONIC STRIKES #3: The Jamestown Craftsmen’s Strike The court records of the Virginia Company of July 21, 1619 contain the declaration of… ICONIC STRIKES #2: Sex Strikes as Myth and Reality ‘Lysistrata’, a play written by Aristophanes and first performed in Athens around 411 B.C, tells… ICONIC STRIKES #1: Deir el-Medina – The First Strike This week on our second season of BETWEEN TWO WARS, Indy looks at the Seattle… Genocides: Cambodia HISTORIC GENOCIDES #7: The Cambodian Genocide 1975-1979 The Cambodian Genocide was perpetrated by the Khmer… Genocides: Armenia HISTORIC GENOCIDES #6: The Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire, 1915-1922 During the First World… Genocides: Rwanda HISTORIC GENOCIDES #5: The Rwandan Genocide, 1994 The Rwandan Genocide took place between 7th April 1994… Genocides: Americas HISTORIC GENOCIDES #4: The destruction of the Native Populations of the Americas 1492-present day Since… Genocides: Ireland HISTORIC GENOCIDES #3: The Cromwellian conquest of Ireland, 1649-53 Cromwell’s reconquest of Ireland, beginning in… Load more